Kicking Your Inner Critic to the Curb

Inner Critic Frog

In a previous article, Getting Hold of the Thoughts That Hold You Back, I promised to follow up with additional insights on the most profound of the four categories of thought that hold people back: The Inner Critic. What is an inner critic? As you’ll recall from that article, your inner critic is that voice […]

How to Make a Resolution You Can Actually Keep

Making a Resolution You Can Keep

As we make our way through January – the month where the gym always gets more crowded for a short while, and your inbox and social media accounts are likely filled with offers to share the secrets of healthy eating or how to make six figures this year without lifting a finger – it occurs […]

The 3 Most Effective Things You Can Do with “Expert” Advice


Have you ever found yourself looking to “experts” for guidance or asking other people what you should do? Or found other people asking you what they should do? What makes us do this? As a professional life coach, I’ve had occasion to ponder this question many times, especially when clients try to get me to […]

Getting Hold of the Thoughts That Hold You Back

If you think of a person who fully believes in him- or herself, one who is not blocked or limited by their thoughts or beliefs about what’s possible or what they are capable of achieving in the world, you likely picture someone who has a high level of positive energy and engagement in whatever it […]

What Is Love?

For the longest time, love was a mystery to me. It was a concept that was so overblown and exalted, I couldn’t even begin to grasp it. I remember long conversations with friends trying to understand what people were talking about in movies and books and television shows, since the gaudy drama I saw played […]

What Is Your Conflict Style?

Whether it appears in your work place, home life, or social circles, differences among human beings are inevitable. How we go about responding to these differences determines a good deal about our quality of life. While it might seem like a peaceful idea to surround yourself with like-minded people, diversity has been demonstrated to lead […]

Work-Life Balance – Superwoman or Juggling Act?

Work-Life Balance

I recently had the privilege of attending a workshop panel in which women leaders including presidents of national and international companies and the Lieutenant Governor and Chief Diversity Officer of New York State shared their personal and professional experiences with a room full of riveted entrepreneurs, many of them female. One question that came up […]